Church Of England

St John’s Church Walton

Church Online

During this time of coronavirus it's still possible to join others online for prayer, worship, study, and community life. We offer resourses for prayer and worship as well as a simple time of prayer and worship each Sunday morning.

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri at 7.30 pm
Night Prayer on Zoom (ask Revd Anita for information to connect)

9.30 am Wednesday Morning Prayer on Zoom

Sunday Worship 10.00am live on Facebook, and YouTube

Morning Worship
Sunday 14 July 2024.
Live-stream from
St John’s Church
at 10.00am.


Previous Services can be found 
Previous Services
Morning Worship Sunday 07 July 2024. To be live-streamed from St John’s Church at 10.00am.
Morning Worship Sunday 23 June 2024. To be live-streamed from St John’s Church at 10.00am.