The Community Church Hall of St John's, Walton is situated across the road from the Church.
It has two main rooms, plus toilets and a kitchen.
It has the benefit of a gas fired central heating system, which is programmed to come on when the hall is booked for functions.
The Hall is furnished with chairs and tables, and will hold up to 49 people in the main room, and 27 in the smaller room, giving an overall total of 76.
The Hall is used by many groups, both from within the Church organisation, and from the wider Community.
Regular users from within the Church are the 'First Steps' toddler group, the Parochial Church Council and the Knit & Natter Group.
The Walton Parish Council holds its meetings in the Hall, and Parish/Borough Council elections are also held there. There are two local WI groups that
meeting monthly.
Childrens Birthday parties are a popular event, and there are also community based celebrations held occaisionally.
We are keen for the hall to be used by the community. If you would like to book the hall for your Group or Event, please use the contact page.
All those using the hall must have read and agree to our safeguarding policy and/or have their own safeguarding policy in place.
Our safeguarding policy can be downloaded in pdf form below
Safeguarding Policy